Home/Products/Cladding Sheet

Key Features

A lightweight panel solution in a simple and traditional form.

Fast to install with traditional nail-on-frame methods.

Resistant to permanent water damage.

Fibre cement cladding is resistant to termite attack.

Cemintel has developed a durable and versatile square-edged cement sheet cladding. It’s commonly used in the construction of external walls and gables as well as eaves which are larger than standard sizes.

When used as wall cladding, panel joints can be concealed with timber, Cemintel Fibre Cement Battens or PVC cover strips. This creates a board and batten cladding style. A traditional board and batten style has both horizontal and vertical battens. A contemporary board and batten style a tight rhythm of vertical battens only.

Technical Information

Cement Cladding Sheet Information

Fibre cement sheet cladding with battens is one of the most cost-effective forms of external cladding. A style commonly used in the 1950s when homeowners often built their own homes.

California Bungalow style homes are known for having tall roof gable designs that feature a traditional board and batten look. They use cement sheet cladding painted white. Covering the vertical joints is a wide timber batten painted in a contrasting heritage colour.

The Cemintel Cladding Sheet is an autoclaved, cellulose fibre reinforced cement sheet with a smooth flat surface. The square edged panels are unprimed and require painting on site.

It’s deemed suitable for use in applications where non-combustible materials are specified as per the National Construction Code Volume One clause C2D1 Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions (6) (d).

For eaves and soffits, use a PVC H mould on joints. When panels are downward facing, this is the easiest method of installation.

Cement Cladding Sheet installation.

The cladding products come in 900mm widths to suit 450mm wall stud centres. Or 1200mm wide sheets to span a maximum of 600mm stud centres. They come in a variety of lengths from 1800mm up to 3000mm to reduce waste.

Direct Fix: The external cladding can only be nailed onto timber frames.
When used for ceilings and eaves the fibre cement panels must be screw fixed.
Cavity Fix: Use cavity construction with fibre cement battens or timber battens to install onto timber frames or steel frames for better ventilation and drainage behind the sheets.

*Bushfire Attack Levels can be achieved when the external cladding system is constructed in accordance with Australian Standard AS3959 requirements.

Cement Sheet Thickness and BAL ratings.

4.5mm Thick Fibre Cement Sheet

Suitable for construction up to Bushfire Attack Level BAL29*.

6.0mm Thick Fibre Cement Sheet

Suitable for construction up to Bushfire Attack Level BAL40*.

Cement Cladding Sheet Specifications

Spacing (mm)
Effective Cover
Per Unit (m2)
Width (mm)
Per Unit
Warranty (Years)
10207Cladding Sheet90018004.5SmoothUnprimedn/a1.629007.311.8325BAL-29
10208Cladding Sheet90024004.5SmoothUnprimedn/a2.169007.315.7725BAL-29
10211Cladding Sheet120018004.5SmoothUnprimedn/a2.1612007.315.7725BAL-29
10213Cladding Sheet120024004.5SmoothUnprimedn/a2.8812007.321.0225BAL-29
10214Cladding Sheet120027004.5SmoothUnprimedn/a3.2412007.323.6525BAL-29
10215Cladding Sheet120030004.5SmoothUnprimedn/a3.612007.326.2825BAL-29
10198Cladding Sheet90024006SmoothUnprimedn/a2.169001021.625BAL-40
10202Cladding Sheet120018006SmoothUnprimedn/a2.1612001021.625BAL-40
10203Cladding Sheet120024006SmoothUnprimedn/a2.8812001028.825BAL-40
10205Cladding Sheet120027006SmoothUnprimedn/a3.2412001032.425BAL-40
10206Cladding Sheet120030006SmoothUnprimedn/a3.61200103625BAL-40

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